Funktionelle und hochwertige Accessoires für ein aktives Outdoor-Leben
Damen Sporthose (000116482000)
Sportshorts, weicher und absorbierender Stoff, optimaler Komfort. Cognac | Olivgrün | Pflaume | Schwarz | Anthrazit melange.
Damen Sportleggings (00116477000)
Knöchellange Leggings, atmungsaktiver, weicher und absorbierender Stoff. Schwarz | Anthrazit melange | Grau melange | Blau | Rosa | Cognac | Olivgrün | Pflaume.
Damen Sportshorts (000116478000)
Kurze Sportleggings aus atmungsaktivem, weichem und absorbierendem Stoff. Schwarz | Anthrazit melange | Grau melange | Blau | Rosa.
cross your limits
Whatever you do, whether it is running, cycling, jumping, hiking or skiing; with your active lifestyle, you can always rely on the supporting fit of the Xtreme sport socks. We have a range of well-fitting, fashionable and colourful products for every sport. All developed from our passion and years of experience in legwear.
for an active outdoor life